Are gaming headsets bad for your ears? A lot of people enjoy using gaming headsets because they allow you to hear the game audio more clearly. Gaming headsets can also be used as a way to communicate with friends and teammates. However, some people believe that gaming headsets might be bad for your ears. Read this article until end to know more about it. In this blog, we also have an article about niye g10 wired gaming headset review that you might want to read about it.
Are Gaming Headsets Bad For Your Ears
So, are gaming headsets bad for your ears? Here are the breakdown for it:
- The immersive soundtracks that make gaming so fun may represent a significant risk of hearing loss, especially if the music is delivered through a gaming headset.
- In-game audio delivered via a headset at too high a level (more than 80db) for too long (more than 40 hours per week) damages and eventually kills the hair cells in our inner ear responsible for transferring sound to the brain.
- Headset users listen at greater levels than loudspeakers because our bodies cannot perceive bass from headphones in the same manner that they can from smaller speakers.
What are the acceptable limits of noise exposure while wearing gaming headsets?
The harm to our hearing that headsets may do is considerably different from the fast and catastrophic pressure shift observed in an explosion.
When hair cells in the inner ear are subjected to chronic loud noise, a considerably more gradual kind of damage is incurred rather than damaging the eardrum instantly.
These stereocilia cells are in charge of turning sound into an electrical signal that is subsequently sent to the brain.
Once compromised, the ability of the hair cells to function is lost, and since humans are unable to repair lost stereocilia, our ability to hear fully degrades gradually.
Because hearing impairments generally result in a decrease in quality of life (difficulties socializing, feeling lonely), the World Health Organization has released the World Report on Hearing to better understand the issue at hand – and to provide guidelines on how we can best preserve our hearing into old age.
According to the WHO’s ‘World Report on Hearing,’ a safe listening level for adults is no more than 40 hours of sound exposure at a level no higher than 80db (about the level generated by a garbage disposal truck). According to Apple, one out of every ten headset users is presently above the recommended safe listening limit.
Is it possible that using a gaming headset can induce hearing loss?
Gaming headsets have no discernible design differences that make them more dangerous to use than conventional headsets used by contact center employees or those built for audiophiles to listen to high-quality music files.
The reason gaming headsets, in particular, provide a genuine danger of hearing loss is due to how they are utilized, which is to transmit excessively loud sounds for long periods of time via closed back earcups.
If you are a frequent gamer, this may have a short-term detrimental effect on your hearing (symptoms include acute ringing in the ears, temporary hearing loss, and physical pain) as well as a long-term unfavorable impact (daily difficulties hearing others).
Consideration Before Choosing Gaming Headset
Choosing a gaming headset is a difficult task. So many options, so many features, and so many prices. It can be difficult to find the perfect headset to suit your needs. Here are some consideration before choosing gaming headset:
1. Noise cancellation
Noise cancellation helps reduce background noise when playing video games by attenuating all noise but the game’s soundtrack when the user hears external noises. This comes in handy if you want to enjoy a quiet environment, play a movie in the background, or simply block out other people talking around you.
2. Comfort
Comfort is another major factor that should be considered when purchasing a gaming headset. The ear cups should fit snugly over your ears without causing discomfort. Also, consider the comfort of the headband, which holds the headset in place; most gamers prefer padded headbands. When looking for comfort, try a few headsets to see what feels good to you. Do not choose a headset based solely on the price tag.
3. Audio quality
If audio quality matters to you, look for models with noise canceling technology.
4. Features
Look for features like voice chat, mic mute, volume control, mute button, etc. Some headsets even offer multiple input ports, allowing you to connect several devices simultaneously. These may come in handy when playing games together, such as online multiplayer matches.
5. Game compatibility
Most modern consoles nowadays are compatible with wireless gaming headsets. In fact, many of the newer Playstation 4 and Xbox One models are specifically designed for wireless headphones. However, older consoles might require an additional adapter for connecting a wired headset.
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