Tag Archives: hearing loss

Healthy Headphone Use for Kids – 2 Amazing Tips to Keep Your Kids’ Ear Healthy

Healthy headphone use for kids 1

Healthy headphone use for kids is important. Because hearing loss is irreversible… …we must protect our hearing throughout our lives. This is why there are noise exposure limits… …and recommendations in the workplace, which inform workers when to use earplugs or ear defenders. Hearing loss in youngsters, on the other hand, may be on the […]

Healthy Headphone Use – 5 Amazing Things You Need to Know!

What is healthy headphone use? The outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear are the three sections… …of the ear that work together to process sounds. The cochlea is a part of the inner ear… …that contains microscopic hair cells. These hair cells aid in the transmission of sound signals to the brain. The hair […]

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